BSA Capstone – BSA Election Processes, Outcomes, and Recommendations for Reform

BSA Election Processes, Outcomes, and Recommendations for Reform Catrina Adams, Min Ya, Imeña Valdes, and Brenda Molano-Flores The Botanical Society of America’s capstone project is focused on improving our leadership election process.  Although as a society we have election-related bylaws, policies, and instructions that are codified and publicly available, the Read more…

Capstone Projects

The ROOT & SHOOT RCN has partnered with Movement Consulting to educate those with decision-making power within each organization about the complex issues that affect individuals’ sense of belonging and desire and ability to persist in plant science. This year-long training program culminated in organization-specific pilot programs (Capstone Projects) that Read more…

Reflections on NDiSTEM

R&S RCN Blog Post: Reflections on NDiSTEM By Imeña Valdes I was invited by Root & Shoot RCN to attend the National Diversity in STEM Conference (NDiSTEM) organized by the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) that was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico during Read more…