Idea Café Recommendations

Report from ROOT & SHOOT workshop “Equity assessment of ASPB/CSPB activities and processes” held at Plant Biology 2022, Portland, Oregon, July 11, 2022 Professional societies, scientific conferences and journals are intended to serve all in the community equitably, but do they? In this workshop, participants were invited to reflect on Read more…

July 2022 Update

ROOT & SHOOT – OVERVIEW AND PROGRESS TO DATE February 2021 – September 2021 In February 2021, the NSF released a Dear Colleague Letter ( “LEAding cultural change through Professional Societies (LEAPS) of Biology” with a request for proposals with a focus on leveraging the influence of professional societies to Read more…

May 2022 – Steering Committee Updates

The ROOT & SHOOT Steering Committee met on Wed., May 4, 2022 to: Reflect on the events from the April Retreat (Public Event; RCN Leaders Conversations; Movement Consulting Training; Experts Committee Conversations) Obtain feedback for Conference Improvement Working Group recruitment Discuss the SACNAS/MANRRS travel and membership awards Brainstorm materials for Read more…